In this article, we’ll discuss how to configure Git using the git config command to enhance your development workflow. · There is no doubt that Git is...
The following tutorial will show you how you can connect a Bluetooth mouse to an iPad/iPhone step by step · When a video is being recorded or when you...
Sorting an array with strings and numbers in Swift · In Swift (or most of the programming language), the default method for sorting an array uses...
Step by step guide for creating custom OptionSet · In this article, we will learn what is OptionSet in Swift and how to create your own custom...
What is Swift Package Manager (aka SwiftPM or SPM)? The SwiftPM is a tool for managing the distribution of Swift code just like CocoaPods and...
Recently, I have updated my Xcode to the latest version (Version 12.2 (12B45b), and my project running fine for real devices. But when I try to run on...